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Neurological consultation in Warsaw

dr  hab. n. med. prof. WIML RAFAŁ ROLA

Professor Rafał Rola is an experienced neurologist and neurophysiologist who has been practicing for over 20 years.
He gained clinical experience during numerous internships abroad, including: at the Epileptology Clinic of the Medical University of Bonn under the supervision of Professor Christian Elger.
It offers consultations in the field of neurology with particular emphasis on epilepsy, brain tumors, polyneuropathy, mononeuropathy, neuromuscular diseases, headaches, spinal pain syndromes and tetany.

Konsultacja neurologiczna


Jest Absolwentem Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku.

Posiada specjalizację II stopnia z neurologii.
Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobył jako asystent w Wojewódzkim Oddziale Neurologii w Działdowie (1992-1996 r.). Pracował również jako wieloletni adiunkt, nauczyciel akademicki w Klinice Neurologii i Epileptologii Centrum Medycznego Kształcenia Podyplomowego w Warszawie (1997-2012 r.).
Zajmuje się diagnostyką i leczeniem:
Padaczki (w tym także padaczki lekoopornej)
Innych neurologicznych stanów napadowych
Zaburzeń snu
Głowy i migreny
Zaburzeń pamięci i zespołów otępiennych (demencji)
Dyskopatii i zespołów bólowych kręgosłupa
Nerwobólów (neuralgii)
Chorób naczyniowych ośrodkowego układu nerwowego


Neurological consultation
in Warsaw


He is a graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw.

He has a specialization in neurology.
Currently, he works at the Department of Neurology of the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine.
He deals with neurodegenerative diseases - Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease and cerebrovascular diseases.


Professionally, he is interested in neurodegenerative diseases associated with dementia and movement disorders.

He is a member and coordinator of the European Huntington's Disease Network (EHDN) in Poland, and heads the EHDN center at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, dealing with scientific and clinical research in Huntington's disease.


He is an academic teacher: he taught classes in the pathophysiology of the central nervous system at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw, and currently teaches neurology at the Faculty of Medicine of the Lazarski University.


His scientific work so far concerned CT and NMR research

in degenerative and vascular diseases of the brain, neurodegenerative diseases and channelopathies of the central nervous system.

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